Saturday, November 20, 2010

DRUPAL Installation guide

Installation guide for Ubuntu 10.04 users.
        Drupal requires 3 things. A web server and we are using Apache web server, a database and we are using MySQL database and PHP5. Before installing drupal we have to install these three things. We can install apache2, php5, and mysql separately.

Much more easier way is by installing LAMP(Linux Apache Mysql Php) server.

If tasksel is not installed then you have to install it separately.

In installing apache2 if you get an error like this apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName then

Apache2 has the concept of sites, which are separate configuration files that Apache2 will read. This file is available in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default. Edit this file and change the DocumentRoot and Directory specified here to the directory where you want to install drupal (I am installing drupal to /home/user/drupal/html. So i provide this path to this position).  Save this file and restart our apache web server.

        Create a new username and password in mysql and then create a database.  Complete privilege is given to this database. The user_name, password and database_name are needed in configuring drupal.

        After completing the installation of mysql, php and apache we can install drupal. Download the latest release of drupal from then untar the file.

        Then move the contents from the directory drupal-x.x to the directory where you want to install drupal. I am installing drupal to /home/user/drupal/html


Now change the current directory to drupal installed directory. Create the configuration file and give write permissions to the configuration file.

Now open your browser and type http://localhost/. Here you have to provide the information such as language, site name, database name, username and password to complete the installation. After the successful completion of this installation a new welcome screen will be provided to you.

A new installation of Drupal have only a very basic configuration with only a few active modules and minimal user access rights. Log in as admin to enable and configure services. For example:

General Settings           Administer > Site configuration > Site information
Enable Modules            Administer > Site building > Modules
Configure Themes        Administer > Site building > Themes
Set User Permissions   Administer > User management > Permissions

By configuring the services you will be able to design a web server.

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